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Employee Profile

Employee Profile page is used by all employees to view their personal and employment details.

The following functions are available:

  1. View the Employee Profile
  2. Update Contact Information
  3. Upload a picture of the employee
  4. View Dashboard for user logged in

1. View the Employee Profile

By default the user will see their own employee profile. To view other employees, change the employee from the dropdown.

When viewing other employees information, the following security access controls display of tabs:

 Tab  Menu  Description
 Personal  PR101  Can view "Employee Profile - Personal Tab" for employees that reports to the logged in user
 Tax  PR102  Can view "Employee Profile - Tax Tab" for employees that reports to the logged in user
 Service  PR103  Can view "Employee Profile - Current Service Tab" for employees that reports to the logged in user
 Pay Details  PR104  Can view "Employee Profile - Pay Details Tab" for employees that reports to the logged in user

2. Update Contact Information

Employees can update their contact information shown in the "General Tab". This is controlled by security access "PR001 - Employee Profile: Allow Edit"

Steps to update information:

  1. Enter the details in the "General Tab"
  2. Click on the "Update" button

3. Upload a picture of the employee

Employees can upload a picture on their profile. This is controlled by security access "PR001 - Employee Profile: Allow Edit"

Use the following specifications for the image to upload:

  1. Image format: JPEG
  2. Size: 180 x 180 pixel

Steps to upload image:

  1. Click on the folder icon and browse and select the picture
  2. Click on the "Upload" button

4. View Dashboard for user logged in

The dashboard displayed is always of the user logged in. The following functions are available:

  1. Employee Reviews
    Shows details of employees that have reviews. Reviews past today are shown in RED.
  2. Contract Expiry
    Shows details of employees that have contract expiry. Contract Expiry past today are shown in RED.
  3. Exit Response
    Shows details of Exit Maintenance. Employees can enter their responses in this grid.
  4. My Pay Details
    Shows the pay details of the employee. The payslip can be printed using the "View" option.
  5. My Tasks
    Shows all the tasks that is "created by" or "assigned to" the user.

Figure 1: Employee Profile